Original Article

대한불안의학회지 (19권1호 19-26)

The Beneficial Effect of 5-Minute Mindfulness Interventions on Affective Regulation and Attention Compared With Self-Awareness

자기인식과 비교한 5분 마음챙김 중재의 정서조절 및 인지개선 효과

Sangkyu Nam, MA1 and Daeyoung Roh, MD, PhD1,2

1 Mind-neuromodulation Laboratory, Hallym University College of Medicine, Chuncheon, 2 Department of Psychiatry, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Chuncheon, Korea


Objectives : This study aimed to investigate the effect of a 5-minute short mindfulness intervention on emo- tional regulation and cognitive improvement compared to self-awareness intervention.

Methods : A total of 40 participants were randomly assigned and divided into a mindfulness group and a self-aware group. Participants responded to Korean Version of Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (K- PA N A S ), and Korean version of Toronto Mindfulness Scale (K-T M S) to confirm prior homogeneity. Both groups performed processing according to each group after completing sentences related to themselves for self-focusing. Afterwards, the participants performed the Emotional Attentional Blink (EAB) task as a behav- ioral measure, and responded to K-PANAS and K-TMS post hoc.

Results : The mindfulness group showed lower negative emotions in the K-PANAS than the self-aware- ness group. The mindfulness group showed higher accuracy than the self-awareness group in negative stim- uli presented in the 200 ms condition and neutral stimuli presented in the 800 ms condition. However, there was no difference between groups in K-TMS.

Conclusions : The study suggests that mindfulness and self-awareness have different emotion regulation strategies in negative stimuli. Additionally, 5-minute mindfulness intervention was relatively beneficial to im- prove cognitive function. (Anxiety and Mood 2023;19(1):19-26)


Self-awareness; Mindfulness; Emotion-regulation; EAB.