Original Article

자살사건에의 노출과 자살생각의 관련성 : 자살노출, 자살 외 사망노출, 사망 비노출 집단 간 비교 Association between Exposure to Suicide Events and Suicidal Ideation : Comparison Among Groups with Exposure to Suicidal Death, Non-Suicidal Death, and No Death


Ji Eun Kim, PhD1; and In Han Song, PhD2,3;

1;Center for Social Welfare Research, Yonsei University, Seoul, <sup></sup>2;Graduate School of Social Welfare, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, <sup></sup>3;Department of Health Policy & Management, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA

Exposure to suicide;Suicidal ideation;Suicide survivor;Suicide prevention.

Anxeity and Mood 2020 ;16(1) : 1-8

당뇨병 환자에서 우울 및 불안증상과 자아탄력성, 사회적 갈등 및 지지 사이의 연관성 Association of Depressive/Anxiety Symptoms with Ego Resilience and Social Conflict/Support in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus


Hoe-Woon Jung, MD1;Sang Hoon Kim, MD, PhD1,2;Sang Hag Park, MD, PhD1,2;Seung-Gon Kim, MD, PhD1,2;Jung Ho Kim, MA1;Eun Hyun Seo, PhD3; and Hyung-Jun Yoon, MD, MS1,2;

1;Department of Psychiatry, Chosun University Hospital, Gwangju, <sup></sup>2;Department of Psychiatry, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, <sup></sup>3;Premedical Science, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea

Diabetes mellitus;Depression;Anxiety;Ego resilience;Social conflict;Social support.

Anxeity and Mood 2020 ;16(1) : 9-17

학교 따돌림 피해 경험이 청소년의 우울 증상에 미치는 영향 : 회복탄력성의 조절 효과를 중심으로 The Effect of Bullying Victimization on Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents : Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Resilience


Jungeun Bae, MD1;Hyeonmi Hong, PhD2;Kyung-Min Kim, MD1;Young-Eun Jung, MD, PhD3;Moon-Doo Kim, MD, PhD3; and Bo-Hyun Yoon, MD, PhD1;

1;Department of Psychiatry, Naju National Hospital, Naju, <sup></sup>2;Education Research Institue, Seoul National University, Seoul, <sup></sup>3;Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea

School bullying;Adolescent;Depression;Resilience.

Anxeity and Mood 2020 ;16(1) : 18-23

일 도시 감정노동자의 직무스트레스와 우울증의 연관성 The Relationship Between Job Stress and Depressive Disorder Among Emotional Laborers in a City


Jun Ho Jang, MD1;Yu Jeong Lee, MD1;Sang Jun Lee2;Jong-Chul Yang, MD, PhD1,3;Tae Won Park, MD, PhD1,3;Jong-Il Park, MD, PhD1,2,3; and Sang-Keun Chung, MD, PhD;

1;Department of Psychiatry, Jeonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju, <sup></sup>2;Jeonju Mental Health Welfare Center, Jeonju, <sup></sup>3;Research Institute of Clinical Medicine of Jeonbuk National University-Biomedical Research Institute of Jeonbuk National University Hospital, Jeonju, Korea

Depression;Job stress;Emotional laborers.

Anxeity and Mood 2020 ;16(1) : 24-31

한국판 성인용 웩슬러 지능검사 4판(K-WAIS-IV)으로 살펴본 병무용 진단서 대상 주요우울장애 환자의 특성 : 후향적 연구 Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder on Military Service and Conscription Issues Using K-WAIS-IV : A Retrospective Study


Jiyoung Kim, MA; and Eunhee Park, PhD

Department of Psychiatry, Hallym Sacred Heart Hospital, Seoul, Korea

Military examination;Depression;K-WAIS-IV;Cognitive functioning;Faking bad;Performance validity.

Anxeity and Mood 2020 ;16(1) : 32-40

자살 시도와 자살 사고 간 반응억제 사건유발전위 비교 연구 Comparison of the Response Inhibitory Event Related Potential between Suicide Attempt and Ideation


Ji Sun Kim, MD;Young Joon Kwon, MD, PhD; and Se-hoon Shim, MD, PhD

Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, Cheonan, Korea

Suicide attempt;Suicide ideation;GoNogo ERP;Impulsivity.

Anxeity and Mood 2020 ;16(1) : 41-8